Logo list

Use this section to display multiple brand logos in the slider.


Make section full width

By enabling this checkbox, you can make section in full width.


Enter text to display as a title in the section.

Heading size

Following is the font size customization of the heading of the section:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large



Enter text to display as a subheading in the section.


Customization of the "Subheading style" in the Logolist section is as follows:

  • Normal

  • Outline

  • Solid

Position Customization of the "Subheading position" in the Logolist section is as follows:

  • Before heading

  • After heading

Heading/subheading alignment

Customization of the "Heading/subheading alignment" in the Logolist section is as follows:

  • Left

  • Center

Auto-rotate slides

Enable this checkbox to automatically rotate through the images in the logo list.

Change message every

Use the bar to set the auto-rotate time of the logo list. You can set a minimum of “3” seconds and a maximum of “9” seconds.

Number of columns on desktop

"Number of columns on desktop" is to customize the column on the desktop screen. You can show a minimum of “3” and a maximum of “7” logo.

Enable carousel on desktop

Use "Enable carousel on desktop" to show the slider carousel in the desktop screen.

Hide text

By enabling this checkbox, you can hide text in this section.

Color scheme

In this section, you can change the background and foreground color of a section using the color scheme.

  • Scheme 1

  • Scheme 2

  • Scheme 3

  • Scheme 4

  • Scheme 5

Mobile layout

The logo list slides when the checkbox is activated and the logo list does not slide when the checkbox is not active.

Click on "Add logo" and its customization is as follows.



Used image to add to the image in the section.


Use "Link" to add a link to the section image.


Enter text to display as a title below the logo image.

Last updated