Collection tabs

Sitar theme provides a section, namely "Collection tabs". In this section, you can add a collection containing multiple products.


Background image

Background image

Use "Image" to add the background image to the section.

Background gradient

Modifying the gradient color of the background will result in a corresponding color change for the background.


Enter text to display as a title in the section.

Heading size

Following is the font size customization of the heading of the section:

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large



Enter text to display as a subheading in the section.

Style Customization of the "Subheading style" in the collection tabs section is as follows:

  • Normal

  • Outline

  • Solid


Customization of the "Subheading position" in the collection tabs section is as follows:

  • Before heading

  • After heading

Heading/subheading alignment

Customization of the "Heading/subheading alignment" in the collection tabs section is as follows:

  • Left

  • Center

  • Next to product


Enter text to display as a description in the section.

Description style

Customization of the "Description style" in the collection tabs section is as follows:

  • Body

  • Subtitle

  • Uppercase

Make products full width

By enabling this checkbox, you can make section in full width.

Enable carousel on desktop

Use "Enable carousel on desktop" to show the slider carousel in the desktop screen.

Slider arrow position

Customization of the "Slider arrow position" style in the Collection tabs section is as follows:

  • Inline

  • Bottom

Number of columns on desktop

"Number of columns on desktop" is to customize the column on the desktop screen. You can show a minimum of “2” and a maximum of “5” products.

Product card


Customization of the "product card" style in the collection tabs section is as follows:

  • Standard

  • Card

Text alignment

Customization of the "Text alignment" in the collection tabs section is as follows:

  • Left

  • Center

  • Right

Card color scheme

In this section, you can change the background and foreground color of a section using the color scheme.

  • Scheme 1

  • Scheme 2

  • Scheme 3

  • Scheme 4

  • Scheme 5

Image ratio

Product image customizations in a section are as follows:

  • Adapt to image

  • Portrait

  • Square

Show second image on hover By enabling this checkbox you can “Show the second image on hover”.

Show quantity By enabling this checkbox you can display the “Quntity”.

Show vendor By enabling this checkbox you can display the “Product vendor”. Show product rating By enabling this checkbox you can display the “Product rating”. Enable quick look button By enabling this checkbox you can display the “Quick look button. Show countdown By enabling this checkbox you can display the “Countdown timer”.


Show border above the variants

By enabling this checkbox you can show border above the variants.

Show variants By enabling this checkbox you can display the “Product variants”. Type The variant type is given below. If type "Dropdown" then the variant would be dropdown. and if the type is "Pills" then the variant would be pills.

  • Dropdown

  • Pills

Enable color swatches By enabling this checkbox you can show the "Variant color."

Stock bar

Show stock bar Check this box to display the "Stock bar" in this section. Maximum stock Adjust maximum the stock for the stock countdown. Maximum product stock can be given up to "200". Limit stock cut off Adjust the limited stock cut-off for the stock countdown.

Limit stock message Display limit stock message.

In stock message Display the "In stock" message.

Continue selling message Display the "Continue selling" message. Colors Customize the colors of Limited stock, In stock and Continue selling text.

Mobile layout

Number of columns on mobile

"Number of columns on mobile" is used for the customization of product columns in Mobile devices.

  • 1 Column

  • 2 Columns

Enable swipe on mobile The product slides in the mobile when the checkbox is activated.

Add block

To add block to the Collection tabs section, click on the 'Add Collection'. There are many options available , as you can see in the below points and screenshot.


Tab name

Enter text to display as a tab name in the section.


Select a collection to display products in the section.

Maximum products to show

"Maximum products to show" is to specify how many products to show in a section. You can show a minimum of “2” and a maximum of “8” products.

Last updated